Family Engagement in Early Literacy: A Rubric and Guide for School Teams

Front Page of Early Literacy Family Engagement Rubric Report

The rubric was written by the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center in collaboration with the Ohio Family and Community Engagement Network. It is for a school building team to focus on implementing system-level changes and monitoring practices on an annual basis to document and celebrate growth. Family members and school administrators are critical members of the school team. Families provide the invaluable perspective of families of children in the school for planning. Administrators can offer high-level support and facilitation of the process, connecting this work to school-wide plans and staffing within the school building.

For a visual introduction to the rubric, please watch and share our Family Engagement in Early Literacy: A Rubric and Guide for School Teams playlist on YouTube. Each video is five-minutes or less and will walk you through each section of the rubric. To watch the playlist, click on the button below this video introduction.

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