Ohio Family Story: Transition from Homeschool to Formal Education

Kenyona and her husband decided to homeschool their children through kindergarten and first grade. While both children have since transitioned to private school, the idea of no longer homeschooling her children left Kenyona second-guessing their decision to homeschool in the first place, especially with regards to her son.
“I found I was constantly wondering if he was ready and if I did my job as a parent preparing him for formal education,” Kenyona said.
As both parents have worked in the field of education, they know firsthand the value and power to be found in the parent voice and consistent engagement. Additionally, having home schooled their children, they understand how important it is to be active guiding participants in their children’s education.
“We provided the school with information about how our son learned, as well as reinforcement practices, how he engages with education, and how teachers should push him,” Kenyona stated.
While facing some initial uncertainty from school administrators, the school eventually welcomed the information that Kenyona and her husband shared. At the start of every school year during open houses and orientations, Kenyona and her husband reintroduce the learning practices their kids need. With regards to their son, who is now 18, teachers have been impressed with both parents understanding of his interests and skills. They have been able to adjust the curriculum to better engage him as a student. With open communication on both ends, as well as parents informing teachers about how their kids learn best, this is a perfect example of families and schools in a collaborative relationship striving for student success.
“Working with our son’s teachers we developed a plan to work together to provide additional enrichment both in school and at home for best results.” Kenyona continues, “Having a mindset of, let’s determine together what is best for our students, making collective decisions between us as parents, teachers, and counselors, and letting the administration know if there is ever a concern or issue they should reach out to us first, has established a wonderful relationship between us and our son’s school.”
While transitioning from a homeschool environment to regulated traditional schooling can be stressful for some, through active participation and consistency, the Walkers have made it work.