Printable Calendars with Daily Literacy-At-Home Activities

These pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten – 5th Grade calendars are a great resource for you to engage your child in activities that enhance their reading abilities every day. Print these out, paste them to your fridge, and get reading!

Teachers – these short, fun, optional literacy activities make great “alternative homework” for students, especially if you tailor them to your teaching plans for the week/month.

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Coming soon - new website look!

Beginning on Friday 1/13/23, you will notice a new look and format for our website! All of the same resources will still be available, just organized slightly differently. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that this causes. We will do our best to make sure the transition to the new format goes as smoothly as possible. Note: The website will be down for 1 or more hours on Friday morning.

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