Money Talks: A 5-part Online Series for Middle School Families (Available in English and Spanish)

What is Money Talks?
Money Talks is a short, family-friendly online series about talking to your middle school child about money. For each of 5 topics, you will find conversation starters to use at home with your child(ren), quotes from parents/caregivers like you, games, activity ideas, and other resources. We also share adult financial planning tools for free from OSU Extension that you normally have to pay for! You can click to any topic, any time. No need to review topics that don’t interest you. Do you have a million things on your mind and worry that you’ll forget what to do? Within each topic you can download a planning tool to keep track of your talks!
Why was Money Talks created?
Kids learn more from their families than from anyone else about how to spend, save, and make decisions about money. By talking with your middle schooler, you help them prepare for life.
More about the series: Money Talks is based on a research project by Barbara Boone, Ph.D., Caezilia Loibl, Ph.D., and Yesenia Alvarez Padilla, MSW at The Ohio State University from 2020-2022, with support from Alicia Willis, MA Ed., and Meredith Wellman, Ph.D. The research team first interviewed middle school families and reviewed research articles about family financial literacy. Then, they created the content and had middle school families and OSU faculty and staff review it for language bias, clarity, and accuracy. A pilot study with Ohio families allowed us to improve the series before offering it open to all. We hope you enjoy the series and share it with all your friends!