School-Based Health Care Support Toolkit

A female doctor looking at a female high school student in a white room

The School-Based Health Care Support toolkit was designed as a joint effort between the Ohio Department of Education, Ohio Department of Medicaid, Governor’s Office of Health Transformation, Ohio Department of Health and Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Our goal in its design was creating a toolkit that gives tactical advice and resources to excite schools and care providers about school-based health care.

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Coming soon - new website look!

Beginning on Friday 1/13/23, you will notice a new look and format for our website! All of the same resources will still be available, just organized slightly differently. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that this causes. We will do our best to make sure the transition to the new format goes as smoothly as possible. Note: The website will be down for 1 or more hours on Friday morning.

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