Schools often organize their work into tiers – Universal Tier 1 supports for all students, Targeted Tier 2 supports for subsets of students needing some additional support, and Intensive Tier 3 supports for individual students needing the most guidance. Schools can also think about their work with students’ families in these tiers.
In the video below, Dr. Boone and Hadley Bachman from our Center present on a National best practices webinar about using a tiered approach to family engagement planning. This video and resources are geared towards school administrators, and can also be used by individual school staff to plan how their communications and other supports will engage all families.
What resources are available for my school to take a tiered approach?
Using the resources below, created by Dr. Barbara Boone and Hadley Bachman of the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center, you can plan multi-tiered systems of support for family engagement in your school or district. The note-catcher we created can be used for general family engagement planning or specific strategic planning for new initiatives or events. The goal of the note-catcher is to assist you with organizing family engagement interventions and supports so they can be applied planfully to maximize outcomes for students. We also share completed note-catcher examples below for different school levels and student outcomes.
How will I know if I have created a high-quality plan?
Ask yourself these 6 questions.

Feel free to contact us at OhioSFEC@osu.edu with feedback, questions, or to share your own examples with us!