Welcome to our hub for free professional learning for schools on family engagement in education!
Learning on Demand | News & Guidance | Research Briefs | Online Courses | Speakers
Annual Leadership Summit

The Ohio Family Engagement Leadership Summit is a free day of professional learning and connecting virtually with those dedicated to advancing effective family-school-community partnerships across Ohio and beyond. Hosted by the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center at The Ohio State University, this Summit brings research to action by providing schools, families, and community partners with the tools they need to work together to launch all children to success. If you are a teacher, leader, parent/caregiver, or community partner looking for opportunities to evolve your practice to break through barriers to authentic and impactful partnerships, this summit is for you.
Learning on Demand
Free recorded videos and podcasts for educators to learn about effective family engagement.
News & Guidance
Several times each year, we send out news and guidance for educators via email to a list of 1,500+ people. From communication basics to tailoring practices to specific groups of students/families, we have a growing archive of guidance that schools can read related to all-things-family-engagement! Subscribe or view past issues by clicking “Learn More.”
Research Briefs
Our research briefs provide practical, research-based tips for teachers, counselors, and school leaders on a variety of topics.
Online Courses
Our team offers three online courses for educators: Foundations of Family Engagement, Reframing Academy, and Partnering with Families for Early Literacy.
Conferences & Events
Beyond the Cookie-Cutter with Multi-Tiered Family Engagement (PaTTAN Webinar) – Jan 12
Featured Speakers
Our team is available to present on a variety of topics related to family-school-community partnerships to launch student success.