STEM Quiz for Families: What type of engineer will you be?

Do you like to imagine things? Do you like to solve problems? You might like to be an engineer. Engineers are people who make things to solve problems, such as headphones, medicines, and robots. Discover how your interests connect to engineering. What kind of engineering career might be a match for you?

Share this fun quiz with the children in your life to help them imagine their futures as engineers – solving the problems of the future! This free quiz is from the Museum of Science, Boston.

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Coming soon - new website look!

Beginning on Friday 1/13/23, you will notice a new look and format for our website! All of the same resources will still be available, just organized slightly differently. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that this causes. We will do our best to make sure the transition to the new format goes as smoothly as possible. Note: The website will be down for 1 or more hours on Friday morning.

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